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Viewer Web App

In order to view the generated logs, open the Traffic Monitor from the Start Menu as indicated on the following screenshot.

Traffic Monitoring UI

It is also possible to click the Open Traffic Monitor action in the Monitor node of the Admin UI.

Open Traffic Monitor

The Traffic Monitoring UI is a web application served by the WebMonitor.Console.exe process on the address of localhost, port 5000. The web application is run by the main Traffic Monitor service and some other child processes. This service is installed as part of the application and can be managed by the standard Windows Services snap-in.


The service runs under standard built-in NETWORK SERVICE account.


This service is also responsible for periodic generation of real time information based on the last 1000 records and last 300 seconds from the access log by default. The limits can be configured in Admin UI / Monitoring / Properties dialog box as shown on the following screenshot.

traffic monitor settings