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In order to deploy the Web Filtering Proxy in the Microsoft Azure, login into your Azure Portal, select the azure-proxy-with-client-certificates-rg resource group and add a new virtual machine resource there as indicated on the following screenshots.

Add a New VM

Type Web Filtering Proxy in the search box and click Enter.

Search for Web Filtering Proxy

Select the latest plan and click Create. Note for client certificate proxy authentication to work the version of Web Filtering Proxy must be at least 2.1.

Create Web Filtering Proxy

Microsoft Azure deployment wizard will ask several questions which are more or less self describing. The following table and screenshots show most important configuration settings. Note here we selected the virtual machine size to be at least 4CPUs and 16Gb of RAM to ensure smooth Windows Server 2019 experience.

Setting Name Value
Resource group azure-proxy-with-client-certificates-rg
Virtual machine name web-proxy-vm
Image Web Filtering Proxy 2.1 BYOL - Gen1
Size Standard D4s v3 (4 vcpus, 16 GiB memory)
OS disk type Premium SSD LRS
Use managed disks Yes

Networking settings are shown in the following table and screenshot. Note the image of Web Filtering Proxy has preconfigured NSG rules that are copied into our new network security group. We will adjust those on the later steps.

Setting Name Value
Virtual network (new) azure-proxy-with-client-certificates-rg-vnet
Subnet (new) default (
Public IP (new) web-proxy-vm-ip
NIC network security group (new) web-proxy-vm-nsg
Accelerated networking Off

Wait couple of minutes and ensure the resource group now contains our resources.

Virtual Machine Created

Find out the assigned public IP address of the virtual machine and try logging into it using RDP. After successful login you should be able to find the Web Filtering Proxy icon in Start / Programs menu.

Web Filtering Proxy accessed through RDP