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To upgrade from the previously installed version of Web Filtering Proxy follow these steps. Please note generally only upgrades from one previous version are supported, i.e. version 4.2 can be upgraded from version 4.1 only, not from any earlier version. Upgrade from earlier version might work but acceptance test are only run over the previous version.

Uninstall Previous Version

First step is to uninstall the previous version of the application using standard Microsoft Windows Add/Remove programs dialog. After uninstall, all settings of the application are left in C:\ProgramData\Diladele\WebProxy\N.N folder (where N.N symbolizes actual version, like 4.0).


Install New Version

Now install the new version of Web Filtering Proxy as usual.

Import Settings

The next step is to automatically import the settings from the previous version of the application. To do that, open Admin UI and select Advanced Settings / Upgrade Wizard as shown on the following screenshot.

Upgrade Wizard

The Admin UI will try to import all information from C:\ProgramData\Diladele\WebProxy\N.N folder into installed version. On the first step you would need to choose the previous version of the application to import settings from.

Upgrade Wizard Step 1

Wait till the next step is complete. Note, depending on the number and size of the access logs the import might take a lot of time.

Upgrade Wizard Step 2

Final step shows the log of the import. It might be helpful if anything goes wrong during update.

Upgrade Wizard Step 3

If import is successful you will see the following confirmation dialog.

Upgrade Success

In case of failures an error dialog will be shown. For example, like this one.

Upgrade Error

After successful import, close and reopen the Admin UI and click Apply All Changes and Restart Service button.

Close and Reopen the Admin UI


Note it might be possible the import wizard will appear stuck and hanging - just let it work until all settings are imported. The delay is usually due to a large volume of access logs collected in the previous version of the product which need to be copied to the new installation directory.

Remove Old Settings

The last step is to manually remove the old settings of the application by deleting the C:\ProgramData\Diladele\WebProxy\N.N folder.