Application Control
Web Filtering Proxy can also block specific web applications based on the domain name being connected to, origin IP address, UserAgent string and other attributes of the HTTP request and response.
Application control is based on application definitions which can be configured in Admin UI / Settings / App Control as shown on the following screenshot. By default, two sources of application definitions are configured, one is the default built-in apps and another one as an example for your own application control definitions if these are required.
Application definitions are updated every 24 hours automatically. Progress of these updates is shown in the updater log.
App Blocking
Blocking of specific web applications can be configured in Admin UI / Policy / Rules / App Control as shown on the following screenshot.
Right click on the list of applications and select the application from the list, provide comment for your own use and click Ok.
When a request for a blocked application is received, this request will be denied with the following page shown. Note how the reason for blocking is identified with the modules_app
App Exclusions
The same list of apps can be used in the Admin UI / Proxy Settings / Global Exclusions or Admin UI / Policy / Policy Exclusions as shown on the following screenshots.