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Enable Kerberos Authentication

In order to configure and enable Kerberos authenticator on Web Safety appliance, navigate to Admin UI / Squid Proxy / Auth, select the Active Directory page and click the Kerberos tab.

Edit Kerberos Settings

You will need to provide the following information.

Kerberos realm

This is usually the UPPERCASE letters of your Active Directory domain. For example.lan domain it will be EXAMPLE.LAN. Please note that Kerberos realm is always uppercase. Click the wizard button next to the field to try autodetection based on your DNS and DHCP settings.

Service Principal Name

The Service Principal Name (SPN) - is the Kerberos principal that will be used by the connecting browsers for authentication. It is usually constructed from the FQDN of the proxy and Kerberos realm automatically. For example, HTTP/proxy.example.lan@EXAMPLE.LAN. Click the wizard button next to the field to try autodetection based on your DNS and DHCP settings.

KeyTab for SPN

Here you must specify the keytab file that contains entries required to do the Kerberos authentication.


Please note, designated squid@example.lan user we created on the previous step, Service Principal Name and Keytab file are three closely related entities. SPN is mapped to user squid@example.lan. Keytab file is generated from both SPN and squid@example.lan user as described further.

To generate the Keytab file:

  1. Login as Administrator to your Domain Controller
  2. Start the elevated Command Prompt
  3. Change to disk C:
  4. Run the following command (note, it must be on one line - here it is wrapped for better readability)

        -princ HTTP/proxy.example.lan@EXAMPLE.LAN 
        -mapuser squid@EXAMPLE.LAN 
        -crypto AES256-SHA1 
        -pass Passw0rd 
        -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL 
        -out krb5.keytab

The command will make C:\krb5.keytab file and the output will look like the following. Note here the output is wrapped again for better readability. Also note the generated keytab has AES256-SHA1 encryption and vno is set to 3 (vno is version of the password so to say - it is incremented each time the password of the user is changed).

        -princ HTTP/proxy.example.lan@EXAMPLE.LAN 
        -mapuser squid@EXAMPLE.LAN 
        -crypto AES256-SHA1 
        -pass Passw0rd 
        -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL 
        -out krb5.keytab

Targeting domain controller: dc1.diladele.lan
Using legacy password setting method
Successfully mapped HTTP/proxy.example.lan to squid.
Key created.
Output keytab to krb5.keytab:
    Keytab version: 0x502
    keysize 87 HTTP/proxy.example.lan@EXAMPLE.LAN ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) 
        vno 3 etype 0x12 (AES256-SHA1) keylength 32


If you already have this SPN mapped to another user as indicated in the troubleshooting step key tab generation may fail with the following error.

Failed to set property 'servicePrincipalName' to 'HTTP/proxy.example.lan' on 
DN 'CN=squid,DC=example,DC=lan': 0x13. WARNING: Unable to set SPN mapping data.

Now set Enable Kerberos authenticator checkbox, specify C:\krb5.keytab in the key tab browse button, set the SPN and click Save Changes.

After successful upload the application will perform various validation of the keytab, and will try to perform Kerberos authentication to the configured domain controller by running a series of Kerberos commands. Output of these commands is shown on the Kerberos configuration page.

KeyTab Check

Technical Info

Admin UI generates correct Kerberos conf file in /opt/websafety/etc/krb5.conf based on the uploaded keytab, SPN and Kerberos realm. This configuration file is later used by the Kerberos authenticator to initialize Kerberos libraries. That is why it is possible to leave the default /etc/krb5.conf empty.

The generated Kerberos configuration file will usually look like:

default_realm = EXAMPLE.LAN        
default_tgs_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96
default_tkt_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96

Please note, there should be ONLY one user mapped to a given SPN. If you have two or more different Active Directory users mapped to the same SPN - Kerberos authentication will ALWAYS FAIL. For more information see this Microsoft Blog entry.