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Local Users Authentication Mode

Another way to enforce the proxy authentication is to use the Local Users Authentication mode. This mode is actually a simple table of user names and passwords stored in the configuration file. The list of users can be managed in Admin UI / Squid Proxy / Auth / Local Users Authentication.

Managing Local Users

You can create new users, reset password for a user and remove the designated user by clicking Add User, Reset Password and Delete User as indicated on the following screenshots.

Local Users List

To add a new user, select the Add New button, fill in the user properties and click OK.

Add User

To remove the users, select one or more users in the user list and click the Remove button.

Remove the User

Enable Authentication

After configuring the user authentication backend, do not forget to actually enable user authentication in Admin UI / Squid Proxy / Auth / Local Users Authentication tab General.

Basic Proxy Authentication by Local Users Database

Presentation in Browser

After proxy authentication is enabled, your browser will show a pop-up box when accessing the Internet. Type there the user name and password you have created earlier to continue.

Browser Popup Authentication

The access log of the application will also show the user name in monitoring records.

Access Log with User Name