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Default Login and Password Credentials


Default login for Admin UI is admin and password is Passw0rd as shown on the following screenshot.

Default Admin UI Creds in Web Safety

It is recommended to immediately change these default values after installation/deployment to something more appropriate for your network.

Change Password from Admin UI

To change the password from Admin UI, click on the admin icon in the top right corner and select Change Password from the drop down menu.

Change Password

Type new password twice and click Change Password again and Logout or close your browser.

Type Password

Change Password from Terminal Console

The Admin UI uses SQLite database in /opt/websafety-ui/var/db/config.sqlite to store user names and passwords. Password for the admin user can be changed or reset by from terminal console by running the following command. Replace MyNewPassw0rd with your desired password of course.

python3 /opt/websafety-ui/var/console/ --password=MyNewPassw0rd