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Manual Installation of Decryption Certificate in Microsoft Windows

Steps to manually install the Decryption Certificate are a little different for Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

To do the manual installation which will work for Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome (and possibly all other Chromium based browsers), login into the machine where the Decryption Certificate needs to be installed, download it as explained on the previous step, double click on it and follow the steps indicated on the following screenshots.

Manually Installing Root CA

Note the certificate is not yet trusted and click on the Install Certificate button. A standard Certificate Import Wizard of Microsoft Windows will be started. Select the Local Machine storage and click Next.

Manually Installing Root CA

Place the certificate to be installed into Trusted Root Certification Authority store.

Manually Installing Root CA

Click Next and then Finish.

Manually Installing Root CA

Manually Installing Root CA

Read the security warning and click Yes.

Manually Installing Root CA

There should be a message of the successful import and again clicking on the myca.der shall reflect its trusted status.

Manually Installing Root CA

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox uses its own certification store and thus steps to install the root certificate are a little different.

Manually Installing Firefox Manually Installing Firefox Manually Installing Firefox Manually Installing Firefox Manually Installing Firefox