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Appliance Login Credentials

To login into the virtual appliance, open your browser and navigate to the IP address of the appliance ( in this example), port 80 (HTTP). You will be presented with the following information.

Login HTTP

The application informs you that Admin UI needs to be accessed using the HTTPS protocol and will automatically redirect you to the HTTPS connection on the same IP address after 30 seconds.


Note, it is possible you will get the Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead message from the browser, this is because the Admin UI uses self-signed TLS certificate to protect access to itself. You can temporary Accept the risk and continue for this connection and setup usual TLS certificate later as explained in the documentation.

HTTPS Warning

After a while, Admin UI of Web Safety running on HTTPS will be shown.


In all types of virtual appliances, default credentials to login into Admin UI are admin and Passw0rd. Note 0 here is zero digit and not an O letter.


After login a Dashboard page is usually shown.

Web Safety Dashboard

It is recommended to immediately change default password using the Change Password link in the Admin UI.

Change Password