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Customized Periodic Reporting

It is also possible to build several types of custom reports over user defined data range and with additional parameters. Available report type are shown in the following table. Parameters that can be customized are included and excluded domain names, user names, IP addresses and policies. Custom reports can also be sent to specified e-mail addresses.

Web Sites

Report Name Description
Top Sites By Size Web sites with the most bandwidth consumed.
Top Sites By Hits Web sites with the most web requests.
Blocked Sites Blocked sites with the most web requests and count of users.
Offensive Sites Offensive sites with the most web requests and count of users.


Report Name Description
Report Name Description
Top Users By Size Users with the most bandwidth consumed.
Top Users By Hits Users with the most web requests.
Blocked Users Users who visited the most blocked domains.
Offensive Users Users who visited the most offensive domains.

In order to configure the SMTP connector settings for custom reports, navigate to Admin UI / Dashboard / Tools / SMTP Mailer and fill in all fields. You can also press Send Test Message button to verify everything works as expected.

SMTP Connector

Note the scheduling of custom reports is done using entries in custom cron file at /etc/cron.d/websafety_periodic. When trying to understand why reports possibly are not run, use the following command to study cron output.

tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep CRON