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Regenerate Reports Completely

Sometimes it might be required to completely re-generate the traffic reports from scratch. For example, this is recommended if you just upgraded from old version of Web Safety and/or uploaded Squid's access logs from the old/other machine to the new one.

The following steps show how to completely re-generate the traffic statistics and reports.

  1. Remove all folders with names looking like YYYY-MM-DD from /opt/websafety-ui/var/stats folder. Remove the history.state file too.
  2. Remove all folders with names looking like YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM and YYYY from /opt/websafety-ui/var/reports. Do not remove the realtime and periodic folders!
  3. Wait one day or simply run sudo bash /etc/cron.daily/websafety_report command from the console. Depending on the number of collected Squid's access logs it might take a lot of time to complete.